Si tu mesa no es muy grande, te recomiendo centros de mesa verticales como el de la imagen, de esa manera ahorras espacio para colocar la cena.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Al decorar el comedor esta navidad, uno de los adornos que más resaltará en tu mesa, es el centro. Aqui fotos con ideas de centros de mesa navideños para todos los gustos:
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Todo acerca de decoración de navidad ¿Cómo decorar la sala en navidad? Modelos de árboles de navidad y fotos con ideas para decorar nuestro hogar con motivos navideños.
Decoración de la sala para navidad:
Living Room Decorations:
Arbol de otro estilo:
Todavía puedes decorar tu sala de navidad y con poco dinero hacer que tu living tenga un ambiente muy festivo. Lo mejor es decorar con lindas telas que no son tan caras. Algunas telas se ven mejor que otras. Puedes comprar terciopelo y tejidos de seda para tus decoraciones navideñas. Rojo y verde es lo más comun y son colores usados tradicionalmente en la Navidad.
Los Árboles de navidad artificiales suelen ser bastante económicos y parecen mas grandes cuando se colocan sobre bases que podría ser una caja resistente envuelta como regalo de navidad.
Para no gastar tanto en adornos navideños puedes utilizar unas cadenas simples y lucen, además no decorarlo tan recargado.
El las puertas coloca guirnaldas que tu misma puedes hacer si te gustan las manualidades.
En los muebles de tu sala puedes colocar guirnaldas frescas, que da un detalle colorido y natural para las fiestas. Los arándanos son ideales para hacer guirnaldas. Solos o combinados con palomitas de maíz, canela en rama, cuentas de madera o lo que tú imagines. Cuélgalos de las ventanas, del árbol de Navidad o colócalos rodeando candelabros o centros de mesas. Utiliza una aguja fina y un hilo resistente para enhebrar los frutos. Para lograr que duren más puedes pintarlos con barniz transparente antes de enhebrarlos. Si vas a colgarlos afuera no los barnices: los pájaros seguramente van a comerlos. Evita colocar las guirnaldas sobre manteles o superficies que puedan ser manchadas con el jugo natural de los cranberries. Utiliza hilo dental encerado o unta con cera de abejas el hilo común para hacerlo más resistente.
Fuentes y fotos:,
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Videos que muestran una preciosa casa con sala de doble altura, un comedor naranja y un colorido family room:
Objetos con peso propio que no compitan entre sí y contrastes de color a nivel de acentos son algunas de las características que componen la decoración de Renzo Cordano en esta flamante casa de Las Casuarinas:

Resaltan en la sala principal los espejos de pie con marco de madera de tres metros de altura y la alfombra a desniveles de color blanco y negro en alpaca. En el family room, las sillas cisne de Arne Jacobson.

Sillas de acero inoxidable en el comedor, interpretación del diseño de Warren Platner. Cada base de la mesa tiene 12 mil puntos de soldadura.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Salas y comedores preciosos se muestran en el video de Revco International High Point Showroom y la colección de Candice Olson.
Unas ideas de decoración de living, salas y comedores con las últimas tendencias de diseño de muebles, salas super modernas y elegantes:
Me gustó mas el detalle de los cuadros con mariposas y las piezas de telas como si fueran cojines en la pared:
A ti, cual de los diseños de salas te gustó mas?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Una combinación de colores super elegantes trae esta propuesta de Karim Chaman. Una sala moderna con la amplitud que dan los colores claros, pero con el brillo y distinción de los muebles azules oscuros. Esta relinda, ¿que te parece esta sala?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Me gusta este living, sobre todo el detalle tan original que tiene esta sala al integrar las plantas del jardin mediante una ventana en la parte inferior de la pared:
Esta bella Casa RC, esta ubicada en Castelar, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. El diseño y construcción estuvo a cargo por el Estudio Geya en el 2008 en un lote de esquina de 15 x 30 metros.
Fotos de salas:,
Friday, November 13, 2009

Esta preciosa sala comedor totalmente decorada por Karim Chaman, cuenta con un amplio comedor donde podrían entrar hasta 10 personas. Los elementos decorativos bastante lineales se une con el diseño de la alfombra:
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Si no sabes que modelo de sillón le conviene a tu sala, aqui encontrarás decenas de alternativas. Este video de sillones para living muestra una gran cantidad de tipos de sillones para salas modernas y contemporáneas con algunos aires de minimalismo que te darán ideas para ambientar el living.
Te gustaron las fotos de sillones con un super diseño interior? cual ambientación de salones y living te gustó mas?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
En este living han pintado las paredes color gris o plomo, sin embargo tiene muy buena iluminación y se ve freca con esos cojines naranjas. Los tonos beiges crean en esta sala, atmósferas suman calidez donde reinan el acero y el vidrio, a la vez que están en sintonía con los almohadones brillantes y sofás naturales.
Fotos de living:
Monday, November 2, 2009
Preciosa sala de Jab Anstoetz, donde predomina el color morado, sin embargo el centro de la sala es esa alfombra entre roja y guinda o vino, que sube hasta la pared como una obra de arte, creando un ambiente moderno, cálido pero a la vez diferente y original.
El piso de la sala totalmente blanco, le da la iluminación que se necesita cuando se pone colores fuertes como el morado. El estampado de la alfombra se usa no solo en el piso sino en la pared como obra de arte.
Foto de decoración de sala con alfombra:
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Videos que muestran fotos con ideas de decoración de salones, cómo decorar el salón, fotos de salones, diseño interior, ambientación de salones, interiorismo, living, decoración de living, ideas para decorar el living para todos los gustos.
Sillones y decoración de salones, ideas para decorar el salon, fotos de sillones, sillones modernos, tipos de sofá, sillones elegantes y minimalistas, en fin.. de muchos estilos. Elige cual te gustó mas y coméntalo aqui.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
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Thursday, October 8, 2009
A la hora de escoger un sofá las opciones disponibles en el mercado son muy diversas. Este video muestra las claves a la hora de escoger un buen sofá, los tipos de sofá y lo último en diseño de muebles para la sala:
Monday, September 28, 2009
El uso de colores neutros en las salas y comedores, aportan elegancia y distinción. La propuesta de la arquitecta y diseñadora Karim Chaman parte de concebir la casa como un espacio artístico y mágico, pero confortable y elegante al mismo tiempo. Aqui 2 modelos de Salas en blanco y negro:
El sala y comedor de la imagen de abajo, fueron concebido para una diva de la moda, una mujer exigente y con personalidad, así es el diseño de interiores que realizó Karim Chamán en la casa de Jessica Newton en San Isidro - Lima - Perú. La tendencia es la combinación del blanco y negro y la aplicación de tonos chocolate, cromados y dorados en las piezas antiguas.
El panel de mármol Calacatta traslúcido, a manera de damero, es también una instalación artística conceptual. Se usó para transmitir elegancia en las paredes y está sostenido por una estructura de fierro, el cual está adosado en la sala a manera de una obra de arte.
Otros detalles del espacio son la lámpara esquinera del diseñador danés Verner Panton, los muebles de Armani, y otros diseñados por Karim, además de las alfombras en alpaca peruana.
Otra característica es la utilización de obras de arte contemporáneo, con piezas del artista brasileño Romero Britto y del escultor peruano Marcelo Wong. Un aspecto interesante es la iluminación nocturna, con un efecto “lounge”, mediante la combinación de diversos tipos de luz, un espejo de agua en la terraza y el ´chandelier´ antiguo de herencia familiar. En síntesis, una casa romántica y placentera.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Toraja Traditional House Philosophy
Tongkonan in Tanah Toraja has a social function, culture, and customs vary. One function is as a place to store the bodies.
MOOD still early. As the fog slowly disappeared in a small hill began dimly visible from the roof of a small building. The tip of the roof looked like a buffalo horn seruncing but not original. The roof is no longer made of reeds like the original building but was replaced with zinc. Buildings with pointed roofs were named Baruang Tongkonan or commonly called Tongkonan, the Toraja traditional house.
"Tongkon means sit. The word 'an' to say where," said Andre, one of the village residents Tondon, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi. Tongkonan is where people in the village to gather, consulting, and solve problems customs. His hands and pointed to the Latimojong Mountains,
"Our ancestors of the Toraja people there, and the mountain. Formerly, Matua Puang lower tetaa-tetaa Toraja." Puang Matua means the Creator, or God Almighty according to the Toraja people who create the content of the earth around it.
Facing Up North Almost all of the Toraja house facing north. This refers Puang Matua in the world of the north. Puang facing Matua means respecting clan believed to be a blessing always. As residents set foot outside the house, then his whole life will be submitted to Puang Matua.
Tongkonan itself it's the stage house built from a combination of sticks and sheets of board. If observed, rectangular diagram to follow the practical form of wood materials. No lacquer or varnish, it all comes from wood uru, a type of local wood that comes from Sulawesi. Kualltas the wood good enough and many dijumpal dijumpal in Toraja region.
There are three parts of Tongkonan; under (Sulluk Banua), charts (Kale Banua) and roof (Ratiang Banua). Viewed from the looks aside, this distribution pattern is clear darn wooden structure. In the space underneath and look at the walls covered with the seams of the boards with a thickness of about 5-7 cm.
On the roof, the curved shape like a buffalo horn. On the west and east sides of the building there is a small window, where the entry of sunlight and wind flow. Tongkonan have each column berkumpu in stone. The main column into a buffer structure on the roof edges.
There are no special provisions Tongkonan size wooden structures, all based on the availability of wood raw material in the market uru. At Kale Banua that serves as a place to live, the floor boards consist of slabs reinforced with the stage floor structure.
This section has several other functions such as guest lounge and thankfulness ritual space in the front side and a living room and used as a space to place the body at a funeral. On the back side of the building have sleeping space for family members.
Big Funds needed
According to Andre, dividing it easy Tongkonan structure (ie: planning column). The process just attach the ends. Give one column in the middle and then divided. Development of a Tongkonan can spend around USD 2-3 billion.
"If only alangnya cheap material, approximately USD 50-60 million," he said again, pointing to a similar house Tongkonan stage but smaller. The function of the building to save the harvest from the family fields.
Toraja nobleman who have generally different Tongkonan Tongkonan from the usual. The difference is in the walls, windows, and columns. Wood surface three elements finely carved and detailed. There is a picture of the motive chickens, pigs, and buffalo. Also alternately punctuated with tendrils resemble plants.
In the main column also serves as a place to hang a buffalo skull, as a sign keberhasilari ceremony. For the Toraja, the buffalo as an animal other than cattle they also became symbols of wealth and status. Therefore, the slaughter of buffalo has always been a welcome event at a party.
As a celebration of the funeral
That day, around the end of December 2008, in a village Tongkonan Tondon, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, the traffic was busy carrying food, agricultural tools, cooking utensils, cloth, buffalo, pigs, bamboo, and wood. In front Tongkonan there is a street connecting road between the cities with the city Rantempao Palopo, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi.
Evidently there that day or the funeral ceremony are often called "seorng a party". All villagers involved in this ceremony which includes all descendants from all over feted. They gathered with tourists who want to see riuhnya event.
Belu corpse was Salurante year, Toraja nobleman, became residents Banua Barung-barung (part of the house of Toraja). Exactly one year after death, the entire family of Salurante
This will celebrate their roots with the party conducting the funeral procession, or sign Solok.
According to the Toraja, the dead person is still sick. Therefore, the body is stored in the living room of their house. The body was still regarded as part of a still kelaurga
live. When the meal was, there is a separate section for these dead.
Solok Signs Before the procession began, a buffalo cut in the yard first. The number and complexity of the carvings on the surface of the Tongkonan Kayo symbolizes the status of its owner. Toraja nobleman has Tongkonan with patterned as a buffalo sculpture. While the usual Tongkonannya not carved as a sign of respect.
Belu Salurante coffin carved vines and the lid was painted gold by a rope tied to a bamboo cross ditumpukan. Bamboo serves to carry the coffin. There were two women sitting dibambu and black clothes. Her body swayed to the right and left when the men Tondon Village residents and family members trooped Salurante alternately carried.
"Heyaaa heee, heee heyaaaa, 'cried the men encouraged their own din. The distance through which the procession is about 5 km, turn the house into Tongkonan Salurante Belu another. In the back of the men, followed the parents and mothers who carrying a long red cloth. On the right side of the street, residents greeted the Village Tondon clan pay their respects to the nobility.
The coffin is then stored in the Tongkonan before entered into the Lung-Bang (tomb) family in the cliffs east of the village. In the process of moving coffin to the cemetery will be held back cliff buffalo sacrifice pests.
That range of functions carried by Tongkonan. Besides as a gathering place
as well as a temporary storage place before the body was taken to the cemetery on the cliffs far there
Pura Gunung Kawi, Standing Between Archeological Sites
The interesting side of this temple is the presence of legacy building kings of ancient Balinese ash, including the temple carved directly on the cliffs, around the temple. Sculptures and buildings are now defined as archaeological sites must be preserved.
When to Bali, what do you do for a vacation there? Spend time playing on the beach, bought the painting and art in Ubud area, or visit places that have Balinese architecture buildings? Of all the existing agenda, how tertarikkah you to visit places that have Balinese architecture buildings? Ten people who asked about it said that the level of interest in a place like this is high enough.
Balinese architectural forms are not limited to commercial or residential buildings. Temple as a building of worship is a form of building that could become a tourist attraction coming to Bali.
The existence of temples in Bali is plural. Although tourists can not enter into the temple, looking at beauty of the temple from outside is quite charming tourists. Of all the temples in Bali, Pura Gunung Kawi temple is one which deserves your visit. Many reasons why the temple is located in the area of Banjar (hamlet) Penaka, Sukawati village, Sukawati district, Gianyar regency, Bali, should you go.
At least there are two reasons that can trigger you to come to this place. First because it was in the valley of the hill, and second because it was surrounded by carved temple directly on the wall.
Down approximately 320 steps
Entering the area of Gunung Kawi should prepare extra energy. This temple can only be reached on foot with a relatively long distance from the car park. From the gate, where visitors must buy a ticket for Rp 6000, we should be down about 320 steps. This is not because there lies the temple in the valley floor.
Travel down about 320 steps is not tiring because of the stairs around you can see the expanse of green fields storied land. In addition, if tired, you can rest in the stalls next to the existing stairs.
Arriving at the valley floor, you will enter a long hallway that is said to be prepared by splitting large rock. This corridor is the entrance to Gunung Kawi Temple area.
Found in the area around the beginning of the year 1910 was separated into two parts by the River / Tukad Pakerisan, part of the west and the east of the River Pakerisan. In the second section, you can see the temple that is attached directly on the cliff wall. Temple carved directly on the cliff wall that is the appeal of why you should come to this place.
Four clusters
Temple sculptures in this rock wall has several meanings and functions, both located in the west, and east Pakerisan River. According to several sources of literature, the existence of this sculpture inspired the naming of this area. There was a mention that the word carved in the ancient Javanese language is the Kawi. Because of the temples carved into the cliff walls and in the mountains, the temple in this area is called Pura Gunung Kawi.
Overall, the temple carvings at the cliff face in Gunung Kawi Temple area is divided into four clusters. The first cluster consists of 5 rows temples carved from the north to the south on the cliffs in the east side of river.
In the temple carvings in the north side there are the words "Haji Lumah Jalu Ing. Of this writing, there is a mention that the temple on the north side is used for the worship of the holy spirit palace of King Udayana. Meanwhile, the temple is next to the palace for the Empress and the children of King Udayana, Wungsu marakata and Children.
The second cluster consists of four carved temple row from north to south direction on the cliffs in the west side of river. Dr R Goris, archaeologists from the Netherlands, in some literaturya mentions that the fourth row of this temple serves as a temple (padharman) for the fourth king consort.
The third cluster is the monastery buildings and the niche (large cavities) are carved on the cliff located in the south of the first clusters. The fourth cluster is a temple and a niche that is used as a hermitage. Located in approximately 220 meters from the second cluster.
So, where puranya? This temple itself is located beside the first temples. Inside, the buildings complement the temple, such as pelinggih and bale perantenan.
Pura Gunung Kawi used during Piodalan ceremony. The ceremony is conducted every full moon is a ceremony of this came the worship of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, with all its manifestations through means pemerajan, temples, and the heaven.
Carved with a fingernail
If traced to the past, the existence of this temple can not be separated from the cluster-cluster existing sculpture. The writings in each sculpture that serves as the archaeological data indicates that Pura Gunung Kawi made in the 11th century.
This can be seen from the writings of "Haji Lumah Jalu Ing. This written form is a form of writing the quadratic Kadiri commonly used in the kingdom in East Java in the 11th century.
At that time, the government in power is King Marakatapangkaja. Therefore, many people who say that the complex of Gunung Kawi Aura was built by King Marakatapangkaja and completed by King Anak Wungsu.
One proof that the King Wungsu Children who completed this building is the tomb of King Children Wungsu ashes. In addition, here too there is the tomb of King Udayana, king of the dynasty that led Warmadewa largest kingdom in Bali.
The second ash king's tomb is located behind the wall of the temple sculptures. With this tomb, no wonder if this temple complex known as Warmadewa Dynasty tomb.
Several sources of literature and citizens around Pura Gunung Kawi temple mentions that the cliff sculptures created by Kebo Iwa, Balinese folk legend that has great power. He made sculptures of the temple on this rock using his fingernails.
Elegance and temple wall carvings that were here charming views and must be maintained existence. Therefore, Archeological Heritage Preservation Hall Bali establish that this area is the archaeological assets must always be preserved
Earthquake Resistant Houses from Sengkang True
How many home communities damaged by the earthquake. Judging from Tasikmalaya earthquake on September 2, 2009, the National Disaster Management Agency reported that 67,760 houses and damaged 150,839 homes only minor damage in some areas of West Java.
Wibowo Hengki Ashadi, lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Thursday (10 / 9), say, build earthquake-resistant homes are not complicated, just requires the establishment of appropriate detail in certain parts.
"Building earthquake-resistant homes are not expensive. Material selection can be started from the use of brick ruins of the former to the use of lightweight materials, like cork boards for lining the inside wall surface coated with a thin concrete, "said Hengki, Thursday (10 / 9) at his office in Jakarta.
Hengki said, most victims were killed by the earthquake-stricken victims of the building. To reduce these risks in the future, people living in earthquake-prone areas should consider the methods of earthquake-resistant housing construction.
Reflecting the earthquake Tasikmalaya, according to latest reports the National Disaster Management Agency, there were 80 people were killed and 47 people listed as missing. Then as many as 1142 people were injured. This is very tragic. If only their buildings earthquake-resistant homes.
Of the total population of thousands of homes damaged by the earthquake, there are additional data unit of 1193 heavily damaged school buildings and 1664 units lightly damaged schools. This shows, among the world of education is still ignorant of earthquake resistant buildings.
Sengkang correct
Hengki said, made earthquake-resistant houses with a common form of the population as now made it easier and cheaper. The key to making detailed placement and diameter of a circle (ring on the block) to be true.
"I had surveyed the building stores that sell metal frame for concrete blocks. The average diameter of a circle placement of all positions, "said Hengki.
The position of the right cross bar aims to eventually house built to withstand earthquakes. Looking right Sengkang density cross bar positions at opposite ends of each block of concrete. Sengkang at both ends of the block must be tight.
Density distance from each other cross bar could be about 5 centimeters. However, the correct standard, the stone for the concrete mix can be used to escape. If the size of the stone gravel about 2 inches, density inevitably dash no more than 2 centimeters.
For the height of the circuit, the position of the conference cross bar twice the width specified block to be formed. If the beam width of 20 inches, diameter of a circle of close circuit at both ends of the block should be 40 inches in length.
"The position of the cross bar docked at both ends of the retaining block earthquake motion. Form detailed cross bar at the end of this concrete block of the most important, but still much neglected, "said Hengki.
Based on the survey to the stores that sell building cross bar, according to Hengki, form cross bar sold in stores that building an average one. "The tip of the iron cross bar which was not deflected position to the middle of the diagonal cross bar," said Hengki.
Iron tip diameter of a circle that was deflected into the middle of the diagonal function gives more strength to resist earthquake forces.
Related to the strengthening of other bone structures that are often overlooked communities, continued Hengki, ie there is no anchoring in connection with the vertical concrete block horizontally.
Anchoring or bending the metal tip of the horizontal beam attached to the bottom of the vertical steel beams that have a long formula of 20 times the diameter of the iron used. If iron is used 10 millimeter diameter, penjangkarannya enough to 200 millimeters.
Flexible concrete block
Another method to make earthquake-resistant homes are concrete block with a flexible formation. Flexible concrete blocks are not merged with drywall, but only connected with a steel plate.
"When an earthquake happens, flexible concrete block structure was freed to move. However, retained the lining does not move to avoid the cracks, "said Hengki.
In principle, building or house is earthquake resistant using a lightweight material, but strong. Logically, when forced to collapse by the earthquake, the building structure of light material that will not get off.
"Herein lies the key to re-visit the traditional ways we are in a building or a house with wood and bamboo. Then, the roof form of fibers, and so on, "said Hengki.
Selection of materials such as wood and bamboo filled lightweight and strong elements, such as making or gedek walls with a bamboo stick jersey was clearly going to form a soft lining and a friendly against earthquake.
To travel back to the traditional method, Hengki says, the most important step is to make materials stronger and more durable, such as bamboo coated with a polymer.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Carved door to Gate
Large area provides flexibility in the organization of space. Examples are the following two houses. Because the area is adequate, then among the main building and the yard was made a sort of foyer / transition area. His form a small courtyard before entering the main building.
To separate the transition area with the outside of the house, was made a kind of gate. This gate also serves asserted privacy boundaries between the outside and the inside of the house. Carved wooden doors can be used as ethnic doors of this gate.
In the first photo, wooden door used to have carved Balinese ornaments. Finishing his use of red duco paint accented with gold paint on the carvings. While in the second house, leaves the door is left plain. As a harmonious blend of exposed brick was chosen as the wall material
Fiber Cement Board Fence
Walls made of brick fence kamprot finishing. The top using fiber cement board. Equivalent solid material fence two had character.
Kamprot finishing applications not just cover the walls. With kamprot view it, the fence appears rough cement mixed with sand grains. This fence was not just applying the finishing kamprot, but also fiber cement board. Be a combination of two different characters but coherent, ie, rough walls with patterned wood fiber board.
Cement fiber board was applied to the fence Paramita Sari Wykan numbers located in Kebayoran, South Jakarta. The sign is visible at the top of the brick wall was kamprot finishing it. Material was closed outer wall and in the bersebehalan the park.
On the floor in an area outside the fence there Sanseviera planter containing sp or tongue-in-law. On the inside of the burrow willow tree stands or widowed miserably. The presence of trees and plants to make the fence into the shade.
Fence along the 11m high and 2m were also proved resistant to weather changes. In addition, the content of materials consisting of cement, fiber, fiber, and minerals, making the board also disliked by termites and other insects. Cement board is not only beautify the fence, but also long-lasting
Over the fence So Beautiful by Rooster
Technique only stacked pair. Cement as an adhesive. Iron plate into inter-rooster booster. Holes which highlighted the sun provides a beautiful shadow effects.
Once rooster become an important element in the residential building concepts tropical mangadopsi. He serves as a vent that can be breached air, sunlight, too. Therefore, common rooster on top of windows, doors, roofs and even walls. Hot tube room was so cool.
Now, the growing role of rooster. Concrete network printing can be perforated wall replacement fence. Located at the edge of common land boundaries of the house. Because the hole, when the sun highlight them, will create a beautiful shadow effects.
Applications beautiful rooster was on the front wall of the house Bambang Adi Prasetyo, in Bintaro, Tangerang. The size of the front wall of 6.5 m and 1.5 m wide, while the side wall of 2.2 m, adjacent to the side door to the room service.
Rooster measures 20cmx20cm with 10cm thick it weighs 4.5 kg. Although quite heavy, it can be installed intermittently stacked alternately. Adhesive inter-rooster just use regular cement.
Construction without using a pole or beam of admit. He just relies on the binding sloof foundation in the ground. Sloof is responsible for receiving and distributing the load to the foundation rooster.
"Rooster is only as wall filler material that did not receive a heavy burden. So it does not need complicated construction. In addition to cement paste, the amplifier just add a metal plate," said the architectural team that designed the sub studio that rooster wall.
Metal plate screwed on the top of the rooster. 4mm thick plate and 3cm wide. Function plate making rooster grew stiff. If the wind or pushed people tersenggol body, this rooster wall will not collapse.
Bamboo house, Stay Comfortable and Artistic
In the afternoon, the natural pores of the bamboo are able to release the stored cold at night. The result, during the day in the house still was cool.
Conversely at night, the pores capable of releasing heat that saved the day. As a result, you'll spend the night in the house warmer.
In addition to artistic value, the reason for the use of bamboo as a home's building materials of these two things. Bamboo can reduce the heat of the midday sun, in contrast to warm the house in the cold night.
No wonder, with cungkupan cold air that enveloped the area Puncak - Cianjur, West Java, many buildings using bamboo as the villa building materials and even the interior. Although not one hundred percent dominate every corner of the building, a few restaurants too much sunda traditional use of bamboo as the concept of charm.
For those of you who are interested in the concept of a bamboo house is certainly not difficult to choose. Bamboo house somewhat model variations, from traditional architecture bamboo house, a modern standards, as well as semi-permanent. Based on these variations, the use of bamboo can be so dominant, half, or just a sweetener in some corner of a particular section.
The use of bamboo in the concept of traditional house can crawl on all lines, starting structures, walls, ceilings, floors, to furniture. Characteristic of this traditional concept of using a roof-shaped bamboo houses on stilts.
For the walls, the concept of this building using bamboo matting made until several layers. It would make quite tightly to the wall of dust and air permeable.
At each connection the foundation, usually of bamboo artisans using fibers as the most appropriate fastener. But for the connection to the bamboo planks that do not function as a structure, not a soul mate roofed bamboo, rattan but because it looks more artistic.
The contents of the building, too often dominated by bamboo. Chair or sofa in the living room for example, can be taken from a bamboo structure with a diameter slightly larger.
Partitioning or dividing a room with other rooms can also use black bamboo. With a dark color, this partition is in sharp contrast after rattan tied with a lighter color, like beige or golden yellow. The cost for the traditional model berasitektur typical houses on stilts to reach Rp900 thousand per square meter
Modern Standard
Meanwhile, standard features of a bamboo house with tile roof and tiled. The foundation is not under the bamboo and covered with ceramic, but standing on the tiles with a cement foundation wrapped leg.
This standard design adopted by many cafes or restaurants in Jakarta or Bandung. As if making a house in the house, sometimes the concept is shaped like a gazebo processed to make its own space in the restaurant. Funds needed to build this standard model can reach 1, 5 million rupiah per square meter
Semi Permanent
Another case with semi-permanent bamboo house. Bottom wall could use brick, brick, or stone with a high time to reach one meter. Many restaurants sunda in Jakarta and several cities in West Java also uses this concept as the attraction of the building. Budget needed to build a bamboo house could reach 2 million rupiah per square meter.
Natural Stone Mosaic for Wall and Floor
In general there are two types of stone used to create the mosaic floor, the stone or gravel and pebble marble stone or coral. Little round pebble shape and is usually chosen so that no sharp. While marble is usually shaped and flat and irregular shape.
Usually mosaic floor tiles sold in the smallest size 10 cm x 10 cm, to the largest 40 cm x 40 cm. For those who want a special size can be ordered according to the desired size.
Each tile consists of a collection of stone with similar color, there is also a collection of rock containing a variety of colors.
Problem was the design of each tile can actually tailor-made suit. Each manufacturer usually serve a reservation to taste like this. And after this natural stone mosaic so, he could put into place as usual ceramic floors.
In addition to the floor, stone mosaic can be used to meet various needs. Many who use it for the bathroom floor and steping stone in the garden. Not only for that, natural stone mosaic can also be used for layering the wall so it looks more natural.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Este precioso foto mural o gigantografía, le da vida a este comedor blanco, es el centro de atención. El muro de la imágen separa la sala del comedor sutilmente y se ve decorado por tonos blancos y azules.
Unos bellos y amplios muebles para esta sala azul, que permiten que no solo sean sofas sino tambien camas para cuando se quede alguien a dormir luego de algun compromiso o fiesta que tengamos en casa.
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